Backup Options
Here you can specify various options for Backup copy mode.
Don't back up unless at least one source file possesses the 'Archive' attribute
This option causes a backup to be made only if a file with the 'Archive' attribute is found in one of the source folders.Create differential backup on the basis of complete backup
This option causes a comparison to be performed between the source folder and a complete backup in the destination folder. All files in the source folder which have changed or been added as compared to the complete backup are copied to the new backup folder. This option will not work properly unless the backup folder is empty.The placeholder for date and time can be used specifying the path to the complete backup. Every placeholder has to be enclosed with the percent sign (%) so that it is correctly interpreted.
- "C:\Full Backup\Week%ww%"
- "C:\Full Backup\%yyyy%%mm%"
Create hard links
This option causes hard links to be created of all the files of the complete backup in the backup folder that have not changed in the source folder. The advantage of this is that every copy operation enables you to obtain another complete backup of the source folder without having to recopy the same files of the full backup. Creating hard links is not possible unless the full backup and the backup folder are located in the same NTFS partition.Copy log file to backup folder
This option causes the log of the copy operation to be copied to the backup folder.Create backup folder at destination
This option causes a new backup folder to be created in the destination directory into which the files/folders are copied. You can also specify the sequence for creating a backup folder if you activate the Create source folder in destination folder option for the source and destination folders.Name of Backup Folder
The name of the backup folder is determined via the Format expression field. The following placeholders can be used in the name:Placeholders | Description |
%P% | Profile name |
%S% | Last folder name of source path |
%KW% | German calendar week according to DIN 1355 |
Format characters | Date and Time |
Environment variables | Windows variables |
Formatting examples:
Format expression | Result |
"%P%" (yy_mm_dd hh_nn_ss) | PROFILE NAME (01_12_24 16_10_08) |
{yy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss} "%P%" | {01-12-24 16-10-08} profile name |
"Backup of %p% on" yyyy-mm-dd "at" hh_nn_ss | Backup of PROFILE NAME on 2001-11-12 at 10_15_00 |
"Backup" dddd | Backup Monday |
"Backup %KW%.week" | Backup 32.week 08.08.2005 |
Generations of backups to be created
This option enables the number of backups to be limited. You have the option of specifying the maximum number of backups or a period in days. When starting a copy operation, old backups to be deleted are determined via their creation date.Note: Make sure that the specified destination folder is only used for data backed up using this profile otherwise other data may be deleted.